As most of you know I am officially out of the low-tech TTC business and moving on to the high-tech: IVF. When I 1st realized that my stash of OPKs, HPTs, Pre-Seed, and various OTC pills and supplements were now completely useless to me, I was a bit bummed. I had not only spent a decent amount of time and money amassing these things, I had also mastered their use and knew when to poas, how to read those confusing pink lines and what days to take baby aspirin and what days to take mucinex. But then I remembered that I have so many wonderful TTC buddies out there who have been reading my blog and have been so supportive and I realized that this was the perfect opportunity for me to say thank you and pay it forward with some great fertility products!
Just a few short days ago I officially received and began using my new high-tech TTC kit. Full of lots and lots of drugs, and needles.
So now that I have this kit:
I am giving away this kit:
If you are TTC, my loss can be your gain! I am officially out of the low-tech TTC business and everything seen here must go!
Included in this giveaway:
- 12 Early-Pregnancy-Tests.com OPK test strips +instructions
- 4 Early-Pregnancy-Tests.com HPT test strips + instructions
- 4 ClearBlue Easy Digital OPK tests & reader + instructions
- 1 First Response Early Result HPT + instructions
- 1 sample pack of Pre-Seed fertility-friendly intimate moisturizer
- 1 sample pack of Pre' sperm-friendly lubricant
- A coupon for 10% off purchase of FertilAid fertility supplements
- Special surprise good luck charms, just for fun
You must be a follower of this blog, if you're not already just click "follow" on the right hand side, and you must also leave me a comment on any of my other blog posts that you have not already commented on (posts made after this giveaway are included so it's ok to wait until I put up some new posts this week) and then leave a comment here letting me know which post you commented on.
See, easy peasy lemon squeezy!
And if you really, really want to win here are a few extra ways you can enter: (leave an extra comment for each extra entry)
- Follow me on twitter
- Tweet: "I am ready to win a fantastic TTC kit from @ready2bmom and you can get ready too at http://bit.ly/cl6rrx"
- Add my button to your blog
- Blog about this giveaway (make sure to leave a link in your comment)
**Disclaimer: I have not been paid or in any other way compensated for any portion of this giveaway. All of these products were purchased by me and my opinions on their effectiveness are completely subjective. Many of these products have been removed from their original boxes but all products remain individually sealed in their original protective packaging. I will do my best to ensure their safety in shipping but cannot be held responsible for possible damage that may occur during shipping process.

Great idea for a giveaway!! :)
Yay for giveaways! I left a comment (two actually) on your We Are All On Drugs post. AND March 4th is my birthday!!! So.. Pick me : )
I already follow you on Twitter!
And I just tweeted about your giveaway..
Your button is on my buttons page on my blog, I think its even the first one!
Your giveaway goes so great with my blog today since its TTC Monday! I blogged about your giveaway.. http://pouringoutmyinsides.blogspot.com/2010/02/ttc-monday_22.html
OK, I already follow you on twitter....
and I'm going to tweet about the giveaway...
And I have commented on the Drugs post, and also the post about the award which you so kindly gave me :D And... March 6th is my birthday! (what a coincidence Sharoni!) so... I wanna win! Plus, am going back to the clinic in March so this would be perfect timing :D
I Tweeted :)
And I follow you on Twitter :)
I follow your blog now!
I follow you on Twitter already! (SomedayBabyT)
I tweeted the tweet :-D
What a fabulous idea!!
Weird question, but what kind of lubricant is it? I was going to buy some
I am now officially following you on the blog. It wants me to create my own blog, I am not sure I have that much to say. Anyway, I already follow you on twitter (barrenkarren). Good luck to you. and the rest of us.
Thank you, Thank you Thank you!
I'm a follower and I commented on your most recent post.
I follow you on Twitter: @domesticprncs
I tweeted about your wonderful giveaway
I added your button on the left hand side of my blog:
I posted about your giveaway:
I added your button to my blog!
I am a follower and I commented on the "Sleep Deprived" post
I also posted about the giveaway!
I follow and I left a comment for you on your Baby Bucket List Post. Honestly, I did tell my friend that if I won this, I would gift this to her.
I follow you on twitter @kim3278
I tweeted.
Of course I follow you! I posted a comment on a few posts (one I have been meaning to anyway) Award, The drugs post, and your wordless wednesday.
I follow you on twitter!
Tweeted about your giveaway!
I have your blog button on my blog.
Great idea! I wish you the best of luck on your IVF road. My DH and I have been TTCing since March of last year. Hopefully we will be blessed with our own soon.
I also am following your blog and will check up on your new treatment plan.
Here is my blog: http://benona102608.blogspot.com/ Its mostly a cooking blog right now. My DH and I are keeping the TTCing on the DL
I am a follower of your blog and have started following you on twitter(smanganiello).
My husband and I have just stared the TTC process. I am wishing you the best of luck with the IVF process!
Thats great that you are helping others who are ttc when you no longer need them. I am new to your blog and have became a follower.
I am now following you on twitter
I posted on twitter about your contest
i added your button to my blog
I can't believe I almost missed this!! Awesome giveaway!! I hope your "high-tech" kits works wonders!
Tweeted :)
I follow you on twitter ;)
BUtton is on my blog :)
I wish you all the best as you start on this next journey to becoming a mom. I can only imagine the rollercoaster you've been on so far. Best of luck!
Well, I commented on your Wordless Wednesday and of course I'm your follower!
I follow you on Twitter! @ahmymarriedlife
I tweeted.
Your button is already on my blog. :)
I follow and commented on We are all on drugs. Good Luck!
I follow you on twitter
I tweeted http://twitter.com/sweetone624/status/9698602872
I follow you!!! Of COURSE!
I tweeted the contest http://twitter.com/Amaprincess/status/9706346487
I follow you and commented on the 99 things post!! :) I even linked to you on the post I am writing for my 99 things! :)
afterthealter already follows you on Twitter! :)
I tweeted about the giveaway! :)
your blog button is already up on my blog!
I follow your blog through google friend connect - pcjenn@gmail.com
I follow you on twitter - @pcjenn - pcjenn@gmail.com
Daily tweet - http://twitter.com/pcjenn/statuses/9709020591
Your button is on my blog www.gaffneysgabs.com
Yay for extra entries! I tweeted again
Badge on Blog, check :)
Already a Twitter follower
tweeted for your giveaway
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