In addition to estimating my baby girl's weight, which has remained consistent since our first size check, Dr. Casual was also happy to tell me that she has also begun dropping although she still has some room to go and she is still sitting "sunny side-up" facing my front instead of my back, which can make labor harder and more painful. As always, he wasn't at all concerned about her position and said most babies turn around a lot right up until they start moving through the birth canal.
We were also all very curious about whether there had been any progress in my body that would indicate labor might be coming and thankfully I have begun to dilate, but only a centimeter or so. Luckily, that centimeter is all we needed to be able to strip the membranes. When I asked about whether we should do it, Dr. Casual got a bit excited and bragged that not only could we give it a shot, but that when he does it, it almost always works and usually rather quickly. He said he even has a reputation for being effective among the hospital nurses. I figured it was worth a shot so he went ahead and preformed the procedure, which was really more uncomfortable than painful. If it works in starting labor, it should be within the next couple of days, which is insanely exciting, but I also know that it doesn't work for everyone so I am trying not to get my hopes too high.
The big conversation throughout my appointment, was about whether I had been having any labor symptoms. And have I? Well, I sure have been analyzing the hell out of every twinge, twitch and cramp that has graced my body for the past week. With less than two weeks to go and nothing to do but wait, I am having flashbacks to the 2ww of TTCing. It started with the cramps. "Could that be a sign?" "Don't people say contractions feel like cramps in the beginning?" " Let's see what Dr Google has to say." Then came the increasing Braxton Hicks contractions, which I stop everything for so that I can try to note just how strong they are and whether they are happening at regular intervals or not. Last night and this morning I was very nauseous and found myself yet again googling pre-labor signs. Now that I have had my membranes stripped the cramps have gone into overdrive which has my hopes higher than ever. But just like the 2ww when TTC, nothing is conclusive and all I can really do is wait and try to make my brain stop obsessing about when labor will happen. The difference however, and it's a huge one, is that with this 2ww I actually know how it will end and the ending is a great one. The best one in the world actually, the one I have been waiting years for! Even if it takes another 2 weeks instead of another 2 days, in the end I WILL be a mom and there is nothing more amazing or wonderful than that!

Oh! I should also mention I have added a few pics to Snow Pea's baby website. If you want a glimpse of the nursery, check it out http://SnowPea.OurBabyChannel.com
Aw, so exciting! I can't wait to see pictures of her.
@LLLSummer :)
Holly, I have silently taken this journey with you... I am thrilled that this chapter is almost complete and in a mere few days you will be cradling your daughter and I will be holding my son... God bless your family and here is to a speedy and safe delivery
I hope your doctor's bragging is true and you get to meet Snow Pea soon! :-)
I am so excited for you. I just know your next post is going to be a baby annoucement. :)
I'm just about to cry here - can't imagine the mess I'll be when you have a birth story :) Come on Snow Pea!
It just feels like yesterday there were so many of us hurting and crying and thinking that being a mom would be so far into the improbable that we didnt dare think of such things as due dates, let alone holding our own...
And now, now i am sitting here with a 7 month old rolling around reading birth anouncements and blog posts about the final 2ww's...
I still wake up everyday and think about just how blessed i am, and this afternoon as i read your post with a tear rolling down my cheek i realise that we are all just so blessed to have come through this, that we are just all so blessed to have never been alone...
I want you to know that just as grateful as i am to have my miracle, i am just as grateful to have had - to have a friend like you and many others who have helped me through the tough times, and i want you to know that with all my heart i am happy for you, i am excited for you, and i want you to know that i just cant wait to see your beautiful little baby in your arms...
Congratulation, may God bring you all the happiness you deserve and may your miracle be delivered sooner rather than later ;)
I will be waiting with baited breath all across the oceans!
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