Chad and I have both been so pessimistic, so afraid to even entertain the idea that this FET might really work that we agreed we wanted to find out together and on our terms. If it was negative, fine, but at least we'd be expecting it when the phone rang. So we left the RE's office & rushed to buy tests. I was too scared to look, so at first I just glanced out of the corner of my eye. One line. There was one line. But it had only been 30 seconds. So we both looked again and slowly a 2nd line was coming into view. It wasn't dark but it was clearly visible. No squinting, tilting or altering required! A second line! It was really happening! We were relieved and ready for the phone to ring. We didn't want to get too ahead of ourselves before we heard the numbers. But the call never came. Lunch came & went and the phone didn't ring. I've learned that clinic staff delays making "bad news" calls. They call their good news patients early. It only took 2 hours from blood draw to phone call when I got pregnant with Eliana. 1st beta- 737. Today, six hours had passed so finally I got sick of waiting and called them. The nurse did not sound cheerful or excited. She started with "congrats" but in a way that sounded like it had a question mark at the end of it. Then she told me my beta was 17. One freaking seven. My hope has plummeted to nearly zero. Either this is a chemical pregnancy/early miscarriage or the hCG booster I did last Monday still hasn't totally left my system. I have another beta on Thursday to see if my beta changes at all and yeah there is that small sliver of a chance that by some miracle it will shoot up but I'm not counting on it.
Honestly, it sounds awful, but I'm mostly hoping for a big drop. If this FET isn't the one, I just want to know. I don't want to ride the beta roller coaster again. Back in 2010 when I did my fresh IVF, my emotions were yanked in every possible direction with betas that rose but didn't double, then slightly rose again, then tripled. It was hell never knowing if that pregnancy was going to last. When I finally made it to ultrasound and there was no heartbeat, I was devastated and angry. If the cycle was not going to end in a baby, why did I have to endure that torture? A BFN would have hurt but it would have been easier to mourn. No ups and downs, no D&C, no miscarriage. That loss was painful and the merry-go-round that preceded it was hell. I do not want to do that again. I just want to know. Bad news hurts, it's awful, but it is better than maybes and we'll sees. Limbo sucks and I don't want any part of it.
I am so mad myself for peeing on that dumb stick and letting it get my hopes up! For those few, short hours, despite my attempts not to, I started to get attached. I began imagining whether Eliana would have a baby brother or sister in the spring. I started thinking about how it would feel to have a big round belly. I contemplated the number of weeks I would wait before telling my friends. I wasn't jumping up and down but I was truly hopeful. And I'm pissed at myself for that. I should have known better. It hurts more this way. It feels like someone offered me what I want most in the world and as soon as I reached to pick it up, they snatched it away and shouted, "Nope! Not this time!". The no sucks but not as much as hearing yes first and having it taken away.
My heart is slowly breaking. Nothing chips away at that crack quite as much as Eliana's sweet face and her requests for a baby brother or sister. Yesterday, totally out of the blue, she asked me if she could please have a baby brother or sister to hold. She wants it so badly. She tells me she will help with the baby and push the stroller. The hope and love in her eyes when she talks about it is indescribable. It kills me that I almost believed I would be able to fulfill that request nine months from now and now I am not sure when it might happen. I don't know for sure how quickly I will be ready to try again. My emotions just can't handle it. But no matter how sad or hurt I am about this cycle, I am nowhere near the point I was before Eliana was here. These are the same hurts, the same wounds, but they have scar tissue now. I will cry but I will have her to make me smile. I want another baby one day, I want her to have the sibling she craves, but she is enough. This is painful, yes, but it is nothing compared to the hurt of not yet being a mother. So, I will push through the next two days and hope that I have real, solid answers by then. I may cry, I may worry or panic, I may get pissed and hate most of the world, but in the end I will be OK. I just hope that end comes sooner rather than later.

Hugs my friend. I have been there. It is so hard. Sending you so much love and hoping another little one comes your way without too much torture xoxo.
I agree - not knowing whether it's safe to be excited is the absolute worst. Fingers crossed for a great doubling beta!
Sending you hugs and light. Hoping for good news.
We had the same thing happen with our first IVF cycle. My number was 14. It is the hardest thing ever...that one area you think is black and white in this whole journey is suddenly gray. Praying for you. We are getting ready to do a FET on Nov 1st. This will be our first one and I am so nervous
We had the same thing happen with our first IVF cycle. My number was 14. It is the hardest thing ever...that one area you think is black and white in this whole journey is suddenly gray. Praying for you. We are getting ready to do a FET on Nov 1st. This will be our first one and I am so nervous
Just wanted to let you know that my first beta with my IVF miracle was only a 16, followed by a 66, followed by 256, followed by a healthy baby girl 9 months later. Don't lose hope yet. Praying for you.
I'm here for you, friend. I'm so sorry you're going through this. And hearing Eliana ask for a little brother or sister is heartbreaking. Why does this all have to be so hard? Didn't we go through enough the first time around? I often wonder why some of us have to go through it all over again the second time.
Thinking of you. xoxo
I greatly enjoyed your remarks at the Walk of Hope this morning. I was there with some family walking for myself (I have non-obstructive azoospermia). It was a very therapeutic for me to be around others who are still struggling to build their family. Thank you for organizing the event in such a beautiful venue where guys like me can come and publicly acknowledge their infertility for the first time. Hope we can do it again!
Hi Holly! I hope you got your answer! My name is Heather and I was hoping you would be able to answer my quick question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
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