Six years ago, when my husband and I decided to start a family, we never dreamed of the roller coaster of tests and treatments that awaited us. Not knowing where to turn and being too afraid to reach out for support at first, I began blogging in order to cope with our infertility battle. It was through my blog, “Ready to Be a Mom”, that I found RESOLVE and the wealth of support and resources they provide to all of the 7.3 million Americans suffering from this heartbreaking disease. The more I learned and became involved with RESOLVE, the more I realized just how deeply infertility impacts so many families. Each time I share my story, I learn about an aunt, brother, best friend, son or cousin who is enduring the struggle to become a parent. Even if it is not you that suffers from this disease, with 1 in 8 affected, someone you know probably does.
RESOLVE has helped me to uncover my passion to help all of those faced with infertility and to serve as an advocate for this community. I want to be sure that everyone that participates in the 2013 Walk of Hope feels cared for and supported, no matter where they may be in their infertility journey. I want to reach out and provide support to the newly diagnosed, the patients in treatment, the families pursuing adoption, parents who fought to get there, and individuals who resolve their infertility by living child-free. I want every person that faces infertility to know that they don’t have to face it alone.
On September 29, I will walk alongside men and women from all over LA, San Diego, Orange County and beyond in the Walk of Hope to honor each one of our unique journeys. I will walk for my daughter, who would not be here without the amazing advances in reproductive technologies. I will walk for those who shared their struggles with me and supported me when I shared mine. I will walk for those still suffering in silence. I will walk to raise awareness that infertility is a disease that affects millions of people from all walks of life. So whether to honor your own struggles or to support a loved one, please join me at beautiful Aldrich Park on the University of California campus in Irvine on September 29, 2013 for a beautiful and symbolic one-mile walk to show support, raise awareness and most importantly, to spread hope.
To create your team visit, select “Start a Team” and following the directions. Then send an invitation to your family and friends so they can walk with you on your journey.

Huge congrats to you on this amazing undertaking. As a 2 year participant in the D.C. Walk, it makes me so excited to see the number and locations of these walks growing so much each year!
It's strange, and I don't know that I'll ever be able to put this into words, but as a currently-in-the-trenches/quite-possibly-soon-living-childfree ALIer, the Walk always fills me with an immense dose of hope and optimism. (And, I'm totally not a hopey optimistic type under the best of circumstances!) The strollers and bumps, the "I'm an IVF baby" onesies, they melt my heart on that day even though I'm quite literally staring down a childless future. From the tiniest of toes to the burliest of man feet, each foot on that one-mile walk reminds me of the immense strength and love that exists in this community - no matter the stage of the journey you're in.
Best to you and your fellow volunteers!
Congratulations on being chosen as chair of the walk! That's just so cool! I'm sure it will be an amazing experience for all involved. Thank you, as always, for advocating on behalf of all of us.
I will be there! I started my own team. It should be a great event.
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